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“Make the world a better place for this and future generations.” W. Clement Stone

The Foundation is dedicated to bringing about positive change in five major urban areas in which Foundation family trustees are affiliated – Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, New York City, the San Francisco Bay Area and the states in which they are located — with a commitment to providing the educational and developmental opportunities that support equitable outcomes and enable all children and young people to fulfill their potential.

Stone Leaders for Change

The Foundation awards scholarship grants to youth leadership organizations that are currently part of the Foundation’s youth development portfolio. Executive directors are able to use funds for purposes that they believe will most strengthen their own organizational impact, flowing from their leadership and professional growth.

Grantee Convenings on Equity

Annually, the Foundation staff and grantee leaders from the three portfolios and all funded geographies, in partnership with Dr. Sherri Killins-Stewart, co-design an annual convening focused on racial equity. The convenings allow both the Foundation and grantees to forge a closer partnership to address the challenges of system wide inequities.

Mission-Related Investing

The Foundation goes beyond grantmaking and uses the impact portion of its investment portfolio to help achieve the Foundation’s mission. Together with our advisors, we actively track the rapidly-growing field of impact investing, and continually re-examine our approach to make sure we are making the most of opportunities in a dynamic investment landscape.

New & Noteworthy

Summer Internship Available

March 13, 2024
The Foundation has recently developed an exciting internship opportunity in philanthropy. Working in partnership with other Chicago-based funders, the Foundation developed its internship to provide a unique experience for an undergraduate student interested in pursuing work in the nonprofit space after college.

Foundation Supported EdD Urban Education Leadership Program 20th year celebration

March 5, 2025
On September 12, 2024, over 200 attendees convened at the UIC Forum for “Equity-Centered Leaders, the Next 20 Years,” a celebration of the UIC College of Education’s EdD in Urban Education Leadership. The evening was a manifestation of the shared vision of program faculty from 20 years ago and a celebration of the program’s accomplishments, impact, and influence since that time. This video chronicles some of the highlights from the event.

After Election 1st, Here’s How Oakland and Berkeley Youth Turned Out

February 28, 2025
When Maximus Simmons cast his ballot in November, he could only fill it out for one election — his Oakland school board representative — because he was among the first 16- and 17-year-olds allowed to vote in Oakland and Berkeley. The East Bay cities allowed teens to vote in school board elections for the first time last year, following years of youth advocacy.

Education Dept. Cancels Over $600M in Grants for Teacher Pipeline Programs

February 18, 2025
At last week’s confirmation hearing, education secretary nominee Linda McMahon called teaching “one of the most noble professions that we have in our country” and expressed support for workforce development programs. But now the department she wants to lead has abruptly canceled more than $600 million in grants designed to prepare teachers, especially in high-need schools.

What Will 2025 Hold for Early Care and Education?

December 13, 2024
New America Foundation, a Foundation grantee, recently wrote about implications for Early Childhood Education as a new leaders assume their posts in the Federal government. Now that the November election results have been finalized and the year is almost at an end, it’s a good time to think ahead to what 2025 could mean for the future of early education. The day after the election we wrote about the initial results, but we now have a better idea of the political landscape heading into 2025.